Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Best Ideas Are Sometimes Mistakes

This logo, I designed in 1998.  I was so comfortable with my job at Continental General Insurance Company, that most of the time I sat at the phone was consumed by "line drawings".  Those are drawings using a right angel and then drawing sloping lines from each axis eventually making, what appears to be an isosceles triangle except there is a slight dip in the "hypotenuse".  So, my new AI logo was born from a doodle!  Later, I would color it in add a two-tone treatment to it and the above logo is how it was created so many years ago.  This one is called Logo3, so I know when I go to look for it that I am looking for Logo3. It was actually the 6th generation of a logo for Anderson Images. 

Seems like an odd subject to bring up but I though I would repeat the notion of a major event with other events before and after.  Logo's are really important to me as I am a graphic freak, I love any kind of a printing process and I just have been fascinated with designing my own logos.  As a kid I would come up with ideas for business logos for myself as I matured I have designed well over 50 logos for ideas of businesses I have had.  Mind you I have drawn very few of them and have only Logo3 to show for them.  Logos and printed material are fun to create. 

Who Cares! -

Enjoyment of logos and design and printing is really a yawner to most folks.  I share this interest with so few.  I also share my enjoyment of dinosaur photo processes with so few people too.  The fact that I have a professional darkroom in my basement demonstrates my interest.  The fact I have used it once, demonstrates my lack of commitment.   These are points of conversation that anyone can strike with me and I love to discuss them.

Often I am asked how I can, so easily converse with people.  I am also asked by a few, why I find it important to converse with others that I can receive nothing from or have no need to speak to them.  The later question really bothers me.  I advise the same thing in both cases though.  People are interesting.  I find it enriching to talk to people.  I was always shy, I admire my Dad's ability to strike up a conversation with anyone about any thing.  I emulate this "gift" in my interactions and have been able to hide my shyness as a result of it.  I have found that if I lead a conversation it will go the way it should.  I am also able to learn from these interactions.  Most of the time I am able then to use what I learn in other conversations or other pertinent situations, this also helps me to be versed in a multitude of subjects; and embody the idea of "knowing a little about a lot".  Being able to bring up and hold my own in a discussion about almost any subject is invigorating.

Alfred was right -

A favorite teacher of mine, Mr. Dimauro, informed me and the rest of the group that education made for great conversation starters.  Much of what I learned from him have been great conversation starters and I am amazed at how much I remember directly from his class.  I have benefited from many great educators but have also been the victim of some very poor educators as well.  I would like to think that the good ones have influenced me more then the bad but when it comes down to it they all had an influence on my life.

Learning Never Stops -

I have always heard that you should always be learning.  It keeps you fresh and expands your world.  I have been photographing people for a while now.  It always amazes me how each shoot is different and produces new challenges.  We try new things and also use some of the same stuff we have for years.  We know that poses that work for girls wont for boys.  I must say girls are the most fun.  So many more poses will work for girls.  

This young man was a challenge and we knew he would be.  He was a great kid to work with and even though it takes a bit to get Devon to smile he gave me some good ones.  In my work you have to like the subject you are shooting.  I have never tried hating the subject, I might though have interesting experiences and images.  I will always continue to be enriched by those I converse with and expand my knowledge base.  My Dad will remain a champion of conversation and small talk and I will continue to emulate his ways.  Just more little pieces to add to the pile.  

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