Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Life in Little Pieces - a new medium

Oh, a blank page, soon filled with imagery.  I have been singing the praises of bloggers for years now.  I especially have been following my good friend, Tony Layne ' s blogs now for years.  His interesting views and large vocabulary have always been fascinating.

Life In Little Pieces

My thoughts in starting a blog is to bring to another medium my idea that life lives between events.  In other words, if you are wanting life to begin for you or you are wondering why life is not progressing the way you wish, realize, this is life!  Right now as you read, you are adding another moment, another experience and another few minutes.  Good or bad life is happening to you.  Whether you are successful now or want to be sometime the "now" is always around you.

We all have witnessed "life's ups and downs".  Understanding this idea seems easy, but how about the middle or the space between the peaks and valleys?  That is life too.

A Small butterfly landed on my wife's hand this summer at an antique fair she was fascinated with it.
copyright 2013 Anderson Images

Life events don't need to be earth shattering or epiphanous.  They can be as mundane as seeing someone hold a door for you, or witness a cop be an example.  It may even be something that just catches your eye for a moment and then dissipates as quickly.

Sage is essential

I like to motivate.  I also feel that we should all strive to motivate each other as often as we can.  We are all examples of something to someone.  If we can use that to enrich life, either our own or someone else's, I believe we have fulfilled our purpose.

I was recently asked, "Don't you just hate those people that are down and negative all the time, you just know who they are, don't you just hate them?"  Where I replied "yes" what I really meant was, they make no difference to me at all.  I spend no time thinking about them nor do I spend any time around them if I can avoid it.

The End Is Nigh

I will sum up this new entry by saying, I think blogging is a bit like talking to yourself in hopes of someone hearing it.  My mother never really said, " If you can't say something nice, then say nothing at all" but she did say, "I believe in prevention".  Oh, and "The Kitchen is CLOSED!".

So in the spirit of closure I will end with how I began; Life is what happens when you are waiting for something else.  Life in Little Pieces.

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