Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Coffee's for Closers

It has been a while since I posted anything.  This will be short.  I just signed up for Twitter.  Largely because Dad did and I was curious.  Well they suspended for an unknown reason so maybe I will just delete it.  I will see what their Support says.  Life is weird sometimes.  After being not so busy in the winter to a sudden upturn in activities for which it seems I have no time.  Time is my personal nemesis.  It has caused anxiety and lack of clarity in thoughts.  Just some more of those pieces of life, I guess.


I was blessed with a certain degree of humor.  My brother-in-law Joe was in town for a visit recently.  He and I have an interesting relationship; we dont know what to make of each other.  Anyway, he was saying good bye the the group one night, I could have sworn he said, "I'll be annoyed by you all tomorrow..." That struck me as a very funny salutation, so out of character for me I actually laughed loudly.  Getting strange glances by most that were in the group, I regained my composure.  I then realized he had some something completely normal like I'll see you all later...  Ooops joke's on me... LOL!

A B C: Always Be Closing -

A great line from Glengary Glenross by Alec Baldwin.  Great in that it became the moto of every bad sales manager in the world and also good as it describes the current spot in this blog where I end.  So my question to those that subscribe to the ABC method,  when was the last time you actually sold anything?   And as I close this short imageless post.   Just another piece to add to the enormous puzzle that is life!