Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Successful People

Success Should Be Measured in More Than Material Wealth

I am amazed by successful people and I like to associate with as many as I can.  I found out late in life that surrounding yourself with them makes for great conversation and positive uplift.   I am very fortunate to be able to meet so many successful people and be a part of their lives.  I find that most of them are very similar in their approach to life.  I have also found that some of them don’t realize they are among those I refer to as successful. 

“Get Out Of Line…” – John Pinette

 When I was growing up it was important for me to be liked, to be noticed and most of all be taken seriously.  I am the youngest of three so the noticed thing was sometimes difficult because I was “just the annoying little brother”.  I really had no method to my madness but just to be me (and maybe emulate those I found funny).  Two schools of thought prevail in child family order: #1) The first child gets privileges as he grows up and consequently (being a child) they betray the trust of parents causing more strictness to follow for the next child and then growing in exponents as the birth order continues; and #2) Parents strictness lessens and lessens till the last child “gets away” with “murder”.  It depends on your birth order as a child which school of thought you adhere to.  One challenge to this thought is the “middle child syndrome”.  This “syndrome” where it is mostly given “rolled eyes” is felt by all who lug it around.  I don’t profess to understand it but I do know that a side effect of this “syndrome” is instigation!  That’s right, you middle children are all instigators of trouble!   You only children, well you never where in line so, whatever!   

I find though, that success has no real birth order.  Those successful people are all over the board.   Now I have met my share of celebrities.  I have met all types’ national, regional and local celebrities alike.  I will say that the vast majority of them have been disappointing to me; not that it matters to them they are successful whether I like them or not and whether they are jackasses or not.  They may be celebrities because of this, but more over I think they have reached that pinnacle of success because of drive, luck and a really, really thick skin.  I recently saw a picture of Bryan Cranston “in disguise” walking the streets in New York.  He was wearing a ball cap and sunglasses.  A funny disguise but, hey I wouldn’t have recognized him.  They all have their public, outward face and then their “I’m just walking to somewhere important” face.   I am writing though, about successful people and not only celebrities.

That being said let’s talk about a commercial

While I am referring to success on all levels I will exemplify my point of this blog by recalling parts of a commercial.  I don’t remember what the commercial was for or even the particulars of the commercial.  I was just taken by one part.  This commercial had Justin Timberlake in it as himself; he was knocking on a person’s door to surprise her.  She was very surprised and made the obligatory hand over mouth gesture because she very definitely recognized him.  She really didn’t know what to do at that point.  He offered his hand for shaking and said, “Hi, I’m Justin.”  What?  Well of course you are, you are Justin Timberlake.  Anyone of an age will know that.  You are a superstar performer and actor.  “Hi, I’m Justin”?  Really?  Yes, really!  These two people had never met,  he didn’t know her from a certain pet donkey;  and she had never met him, that’s right; she stood there recognizing maybe an idol of her's and fawning over the fact he was at her door but she had never met him.  What a great kid, he took control of a situation with a simple introduction.  I really respect that.  Now it might have been scripted, or set up but man did it look like a real interaction. 

Let’s Bring it Back to the Point

Now it is not uncommon to meet local celebrities out and about in the Omaha area and I have met Governors and Senators.  I have booed Congressmen and I have exchanged niceties with Mayors.   All manner of local celebrities I have met.  On a recent viewing of a play at the Omaha Community Playhouse, I got a chance to meet another.  Dave Wingert has been a local Radio Personality of decades in Omaha.  He can’t be that much older than I am because he doesn’t look it.  Being that I can’t resist the urge to meet these folks, I very immaturely hollered out in his direction as he was making salutations to a friend, “Aren’t you Dave Wigert?”  He may have heard me but he didn’t make it evident.  He turned away from his friend and started walking.  I repeated my boorish question a little louder as I approached him.  Suddenly I realized this might be a bit unsettling in a poorly lit parking lot, I smiled and held out my hand.  He accepted my hand shake as he spun to meet my smile.  I said some filler words about being a fan.  He replied by saying, “And your name?” still shaking my hand.  I finished my ridiculous rhetoric, trying not to seem like I was a threat.  He again repeated, “And your name?”.  I replied with the appropriate response and he replied, “oh, thank you.”   This exchange struck me as a parallel to the above JT story.  I assumed it to be unimportant to him to introduce myself; he deemed it important for us both to know each other’s names.  It was rude of me to assume what I did, and it was so very appropriate for him to react the way he did.   He was gracious and engaged in the conversation and I walked away feeling better about my evening because of it.  Now, I am not a follower of his nor would I say I am even an avid listener but I am aware of him and his career.  I have a new respect for him.  I count him as a successful person I have met and I liked that he wasn’t a jerk to me, as I feel I may have been one to him.

Success can be measured in a broad way.  Some choose to beleaguer it narrowly, though.  That is a mistake.   Success is fun, happy and it should be celebrated.  Those folks I have met that are successful (I count myself in that category too) have two sides.  One that is an expression of their station and confidence in life and the other is when relating how they came to the success.  Hard work, perseverance and pushing themselves are always among those attributes.  They also have a straight forward idea of, “If you’re not willing to work for it, don’t bother even trying it”.  I love this side, this candor that I have benefited from hearing.  I realized it after seeing this side of success for the first time, from a young male model when I asked him if he worked out.  He obviously saw this sexy fat man as being unprepared for the work involved in acquiring a physique like his and addressed my question with a bit of disdain.  I was naturally a bit offended by his answer but realized I had asked the question and should have been prepared for the answer however it was given; plus he might have thought I was hitting on him.  Just another few little pieces of life.